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works cited or references page
Dictionary of Education -- From Oxford University Press
Early Childhood - (EBSCO)
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (EBSCO) -- Encyclopedia entries covering a variety of subject areas
Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children -- From Credo Reference
International Children's Digital Library - A Library for the World's Children
IvyLynks - - Links to Early Childhood resources
Nexis Uni - - Early childhood articles
Opposing Viewpoints - - (Gale)
ProQuest - Research Library
EBSCOhost -- This general database includes several resources for professional educators. Find thousands of full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals. See a quick guide at the bottom of this section.
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) -- A multi-discipline database that provides full text for nearly 4000 peer-reviewed academic journals.
ERIC (EBSCO) -- Digests, citations, and abstracts from over 1000 education-related journals.
Library, Information Science, & Technology Abstracts (EBSCO) -- Covers librarianship, information science, & more.
Primary Search (EBSCO) -- Full-text articles from nearly 70 popular magazines for elementary school students.
Professional Development Collection (EBSCO) -- Scholarly journal articles for professional educators.
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Paul W. Ogle Library
Ivy Tech Community College
8204 HWY 311
Sellersburg, IN 47172
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