Contemporary Authors (Gale)
Biographies of authors and information on their works.
Language & Literature (CREDO Reference)
Online reference books covering words, phrases, phonetics, usage, and more.
Literary Reference Center (EBSCO)
Plot summaries, synopses and work overviews; articles/essays of literary criticism; author biographies; 450 literary journals; book reviews; classic and contemporary poems; classic and contemporary short stories; author interviews.
Literature (CREDO Reference)
Online reference books covering American, Classical, Modern, and British literature, and more.
Oxford Reference
Do a combined search of the Oxford Reference sources.
Bilingual Dictionaries (CREDO Reference)
French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and more.
Dictionaries & Thesauri (CREDO Reference)
Dictionaries, thesauri, and more.
Oxford English Dictionary
The accepted authority on the English language over the last millennium with meanings, history, and pronunciations of over half a million words.