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English, Literature, & Language Arts: Greek Mythology and Culture - Sellersburg: ENGL 093/095

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Use these databases to find possible research topics.

CQ Researcher
This weekly magazine has reports related to topics in the news and social and political issues. Look for the Pro/Con section in the table of contents on the left side of the page. The guide for CQ Researcher is at the bottom of this section.

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale)
Click on "Browse Issues" and find a list of topics. Choose a topic and click, it will open to a site having essays and links to a variety of formats on the topic. Find essays on different sides of an issue. The guide for Opposing Viewpoints is at the bottom of this section.

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CREDO Reference
Hundreds of searchable reference books on a wide variety of subjects including business, history, science, social science, and the humanities.

Research Your Topic

For books and e-books:

Search for material from all 23 Ivy Tech Libraries.

For articles:

This general database includes Academic Search Premier, Business Source, Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition, MasterFile, and more.  Find thousands of full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals. To view the guide on EBSCOHost please see the bottom of this section.

This general database includes Research Library, ProQuest Nursing Journals, Criminal Justice Periodicals, newspapers, and more.  Find thousands of full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals. To view the guide on ProQuest please see the bottom of this section.