Search multiple EBSCO databases including Academic Search Complete, Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition, and more.
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A multi-disciplinary database containing professional and peer-reviewed titles
News, Trade, and Academic sources focused on business. Less than two weeks delay. Includes Company and Industry profiles. Recommended for research at all levels.
Scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines as well as consumer medication information and patient education sheets from AHFS Consumer Medication Information.
Newspaper Source Plus includes more than 860 full-text newspapers, providing more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database features more than 857,000 television and radio news transcripts.
Full text, peer reviewed, scholarly, and scientific journals on all aspects of psychology.
Reference works and data sets on American government, current affairs, history, politics, and public policy. Create your own spreadsheets using government data. Recommended for the social sciences at all levels.
Reports related to topics in the news and social and political issues. Recommended for topic overviews and for argumentative essays.
Covers the who, how, and why of American government through primary and secondary sources, plus maps, graphs, images, and many other formats
The widest depth and breadth of information available of any online database collection on African American history and culture. Mostly secondary sources; recommended for introductory research.
Reference works, Scholarly journals, Trade publications, and important General interest magazines covering core academic subject areas. Help Guide available.
Scholarly articles, News articles and Audio-visual content, Opinions, Primary sources, Reference, and Websites on topics of social interest. Scholarly content and general reader. Recommended for argumentative research.