. Slowly massaging up and down your arms and also rubbing your stomach can help ease nausea
. Lying flat on your stomach can also help panic attacks
. If you need to be on your phone or computer, avoid switching between multiple tabs or screens. The quick flashes of images can make nausea worse
. If you have long hair, make sure you have a hair-tie or other way of pulling back your hair in case you have to throw up
. Flat Ginger Ale can settle the stomach
. If you get stress hiccups, drink a spoonful of lime juice: it resets the body's vagus nerve response
. Take small sips of water: cold water might shock the stomach so try room temperature or warmer
. Put an ice pack or heating pad on your stomach or other area of discomfort
. Stand somewhere cold if you're overheated or experiencing overstimulation
. Take a cold or hot shower
Grounding Object Game:
. Play with friends or family
. One person thinks of an object in the room and says, "I'm thinking of an object that begins with the letter..."
. The other person or people guess what object in the room is what the first person is thinking of.
. Each person takes a turn
. It's an easy way to ground yourself during a panic/anxiety attack while maintaining social contact if you're feeling alone