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Ivy Tech Warsaw Student Support Services

The Basics Bank at Ivy Tech Warsaw



What is the Basics Bank?




The Basics Bank is a support service provided to every active Ivy Tech Warsaw student.  The supplies include, but are not limited to:

  • A wide variety of food items

  • Toiletries, including dental care, hair care, feminine hygiene, and more

  • Warm hats and gloves

  • Other items as supply provides


How can I, a Warsaw Ivy Tech student, get help from the Basics Bank?


The Basics Bank is located in the Warsaw campus library.  Any student that needs items from the Basics Bank may pay a visit and take what they need, whether it's food items to take home for your family, or just a snack before class instead of spending extra money on fast food.

Don't be afraid to ask for help! We have experience helping students with almost every situation or problem, and we are here to listen, assess, and assist, without judgment.

To contact us via email, with any inquiry or request for information and help:

Tim Keyes

Brenda Blair