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Faculty Resources Guide - Indianapolis



OER - Open Educational Resources

  • OER Commons: A comprehensive platform offering a wide range of OER materials across various subjects, including teaching strategies and pedagogy for community college educators.

  • OpenStax: Provides high-quality, peer-reviewed textbooks that can be adapted for community college courses, along with resources on effective teaching practices.

  • MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching): A curated collection of free teaching resources, including tutorials and courses on pedagogy.

  • Teaching Resources from the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER): Offers resources specifically aimed at community college faculty, including professional development materials.

  • Open Pedagogy Notebook: A platform focused on open pedagogy practices, featuring examples, case studies, and reflections that can be applied in community college settings.

  • Canvas Network: Offers free online courses, including topics on effective teaching methods, assessment strategies, and community college-specific pedagogy.

  • The Teaching Commons: Provides resources for community college instructors, including articles on teaching practices, curriculum development, and student engagement strategies.