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Impact Measures and Published Scholarship - Evansville: Atlmetrics

What are Altmetrics?

Altmetrics Defined

“New metrics proposed as an alternative to the widely used journal impact factor and personal citation indices like the h-index. The term altmetrics was proposed in 2010, as a generalization of article level metrics, and has its roots in the twitter #altmetrics hashtag. Although altmetrics are often thought of as metrics about articles, they can be applied to people, journals, books, data sets, presentations, videos, source code repositories, web pages, etc. Altmetrics cover not just citation counts, but also other aspects of the impact of a work, such as how many data and knowledge bases refer to it, article views, downloads, or mentions in social media and news media.”  (Wikipedia)


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Altmetrics by Michah Vandegrift

Michah Vandegrift of Florida State University explains why Altmetrics, which can measure impact, fills a void in traditional bibliometrics, which measure citation counts.

NISO Webinar: Beyond Publish or Perish: Alternative Metrics for Scholarship

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) explains how Alternative Metrics take many forms but often focus on efforts to move beyond proprietary bibliometrics and traditional forms of peer referencing in assessing the quality and scholarly impact of published work. Join NISO for a webinar that will present several emerging aspects of Alternative Metrics.