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Impact Measures and Published Scholarship - Evansville: Cited References

Cited References in Databases

Several commonly-owned databases provide tools to identify the number of times a particular article has been cited as a reference.  Databases providing this information include: EBSCOhost select databases, JSTOR, ProQuest select databases, and PubMed Central.

Listed below are directions for locating cited references using the databases listed above.

EBSCOHost (Select Databases)



  • Click on "Cited References" in the navigation bar across the top.

            Note: Sometimes "Cited References" is found as an option under "More" on the navigation bar, as it is in the CINAHL database. 

  • Search for the author or article title to be cited.
  • Check the box next to each relevant item in the results that has a "Times Cited in this Database" link.
  • Click the "Find Citing Articles" button at the top of the results to see the articles that are citing the original source.

Click HERE link to a full list of EBSCOHost databases which support searchable cited references.



  • Search using the Citation Locator, an option under the Search heading. 
  • Search using the author or title fields. If necessary, enclose the title words in quotations to force searching as a phrase.
  • Click on the title of the article or the summary view.
  • The number of items citing that article in JSTOR will be on the right column and at the bottom of the summary. There is also an option to view citing articles in Google Scholar. If there aren't any citing articles in JSTOR, the count will not appear.

ProQuest (Select Databases)


  • Use Advanced Search.
  • Select “Look Up Citation” (found in the upper-left-hand corner).
  • The “Cited by” link is available at the end of each listed result.
  • Find your article and look up article title.
  • The article record will also include a “Cited by” link in the right-hand column under the “References” heading.

PubMed Central


  • Search for an author or article title to be cited.
  • Click on the title of the item from the results list. 
  • At the top of the article is an icon     
  • Click on this icon, then select “Also cited by” from the drop-down menu.
  • This will generate a new page with the article title and information, followed by a list under the heading, “Is Cited by the Following Articles in this Archive:

            Note: If the “Also cited by” link is not listed when clicking the icon above, assume that no PubMed Central articles have cited this publication.