Research, Fiction, and Graphic Novel Collections
Up to ten (10) books can be checked out at a time for currently enrolled Ivy Tech students and employees. Books are checked out for two (2) weeks at a time, and may be renewed up to four (4) times, unless another patron has placed a hold on the item(s).
Reserve Textbook Collection
A small collection of textbooks are kept on reserve in the library for current Ivy Tech students, faculty, and staff to check-out and use within the library. Textbook reserves can be checked out for four (4) hours at a time; however, it may be possible to extend the check-out time if the textbook does not have another student waiting to use it.
The Lawrence campus library maintains a small collection of DVDs. All films may be checked out by faculty, and students may view videos in the library or check out non-medical feature films. Community patrons are not permitted to check-out DVDs at this time. All DVDs are checked out for one (1) week at a time, with a limit of two (2) DVDs per patron at a time.
The library has headphones, webcams, and a variety of charging cords that current Ivy Tech students and employees are permitted to check-out and use in the library. Headphones are sanitized between each use.
Ivy Tech students, faculty, and staff are eligible to utilize Interlibrary Loan, which allows for books and journal articles not available in our library to be ordered from other Indiana libraries. Books can often be delivered within several weeks, while journal articles can often be available in 1-2 days or less.
All books loaned to other libraries from the Ivy Tech Indianapolis and Lawrence Library will check out for 6 weeks. Books borrowed from other libraries for Ivy Tech Indianapolis students, faculty, or staff will have due dates that are determined by the lending library.
Overdue fines and lost item fees for borrowed items will be calculated by the lending library, and Ivy Tech patrons will be responsible for paying those fines and fees. Fees for lost items that are leant to other libraries will follow our Ivy Tech Indianapolis standard lost book fee policy and procedure (see below).
Community members needing to access Interlibrary Loan services should visit the Indianapolis Public Library.
Because it is important for all patrons to have the opportunity to borrow items from our collection, library materials must be returned. Fines may be charged for books that are not renewed or returned. If an item is lost or damaged, the fine will be equal to the replacement cost of the book and will be assigned through the campus Bursar Office.
However, once items are returned to the library, all accrued fines may be waived.