We primarily serve Ivy Tech Indianapolis students, faculty, and staff; however, anyone is welcome to visit our library.
Presence of Minors Policy
In order to ensure a focused academic learning environment, Ivy Tech Community College's policy states:
"Minors are not permitted to be on Ivy Tech property without direct supervision by a parent or guardian, with the exception of college sponsored childcare centers, minors who are enrolled in Ivy Tech courses or other approved activities. Minors are not permitted in the classroom at any time unless enrolled in the course or approved by the course faculty member or administrative staff."
If minors are brought into the library, their parent or guardian is responsible for ensuring appropriate behavior that does not disrupt other patrons who are working in the library or cause damage to library assets. Should unaccompanied or disruptive behavior occur and persist, library staff do reserve the right to assist the library patron in finding another suitable workspace.
Primary Library Space
Most of our space(s) within the library are open and available for both individual and collaborative use. Various spaces will lean toward quieter or conversational volume levels. While we do encourage conversation within the library, please be respectful of others working nearby by being conscientious to keep volume levels from becoming disruptive.
Quiet Room
In the Downtown Library, NMC 405 provides a quiet space for students who prefer to study and work with less sound.
Each library location has reservable study rooms that students can use for individual or small-group private study:
Downtown: NMC 400B, 400D
Lawrence: LAW 157A, 157B
Responsibilities of Study Room Users