Citations - Statewide: Articles from Database and Print

Article from Database and Print Citations in APA

Color Coding Legend
Author(s) or Editor(s) Title of Book, Journal, Magazine, Webpage or Video Title of Article, Section, Chapter or Song Volume & Issue Website Address
  Publisher Date Pages Other Information
Source In-Text Citation Reference Page Citations

Source from a Database

**Most library databases have the citation provided.


**When DOI (digital object identifier) is available, you should use it at end of entry as noted instead of where the article was retrieved from.


**If no DOI is available, do not include the URL or any database information in your citation.  Cite the source as if you were looking at the print version.

(Author last name, Date)

(Bender, 2006)


With DOI: 

Author last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month, Day). Title of article.  Title of Periodical, Volume number (issue number), Pages. DOI

No DOI: 

Author last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month, Day). Title of article.  Title of PeriodicalVolume number (issue number), Pages.


With DOI:

Kroon, L. (2007, September 15). Drug interactions with smoking. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 64 (18), 1917-1921.

No DOI: 

Vissing, Y.  (2003, December). The yellow school bus project:  Helping homeless students get ready for school.  Phi Delta Kappan, 85 (4), 321-323.  

Magazine or Journal Article from Print

(Author last name, Date, Page Number)

(Bender, 2006, p. 39)


Author last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month, Day). Title of article.  Title of Magazine, Volume number, Pages.  

Note:  If no volume number is available, use p. or pp. before page numbers.


Bender, M. (2006, December). 2-minute winter warm-ups: Wake up your hibernating muscles, starting now.  Health, 20, 38-40.