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ALI Assessment Committee: Assessment Committee

ALI Assessment Committee, created 2016

ALI Assessment Committee

ALI Assessment Objective Statement

ALI Assessment Objective Statement

To develop a professional development initiative that will engage the librarians of Indiana on topics of library assessment by:

Assessing the ongoing professional development needs and interests of Indiana librarians

Creating online and face to face assessment-related content addressing needs and interests of librarians

Providing opportunities for librarians to collaborate, connect and converse

Creating an online, openly available toolbox for librarians to navigate, share, and play in the areas of assessment


Committee Minutes

Assessment Committee

Committee Charge

 ALI Assessment Committee’s Charge

The ALI Assessment Committee provides a forum for identifying assessment models, research strategies, and identify techniques for assessing effective use of library space, collections, and services. The committee represents to ALI the academic librarians’ findings, concerns, and interest in library assessment.

The Assessment Committee will:

•Survey the academic librarians’ ongoing professional development needs and interests in assessment.
•Compile and update online and face to face assessment-related content addressing needs and interests of academic librarians
•Promote opportunities for academic librarians to collaborate, connect and converse on library assessment
•Represent academic librarians’ concerns for the ongoing development of library assessment

Create an online toolbox for academic librarians

Assessment Committee Members

Mandy Havert, Digital Outreach and Graduate Outreach Librarian, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame

Heather Howard, Business Information Specialist, Parrish Library of Management and Economics, Purdue University

Suzanne Hinnefeld Collection Development Librarian, Cushwa-Leighton Library,, Saint Mary's College

Nastasha Johnson, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Technology Specialist, Purdue University

Jill Lichtsinn, Library Director, Funderburg Library, Manchester University   ​

Suzanne Rice Assistant Dean for Public Services, University Libraries, Ball State University

Denise Shorey, Director of Library Services, Hamilton Library, Franklin College.

Marie White, Director Paul W. Ogle Library, Ivy Tech Community College Southern Indiana.

Assessment Presentations May 2016