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ALI Assessment Committee: Assessment Committee Organization

ALI Assessment Committee, created 2016

Committee Members

An Assessment challenge: We throw all our attention on the utterly idle question whether A has done as well as B, when the only question is whether A has done as well as he could. William Graham Sumner

Mandy Havert, Digital Outreach and Graduate Outreach Librarian, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame

Heather Howard, Business Information Specialist, Parrish Library of Management and Economics, Purdue University

Suzanne Hinnefeld Collection Development Librarian, Cushwa-Leighton Library,, Saint Mary's College

Nastasha Johnson, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Technology Specialist, Purdue University

Jill Lichtsinn, Library Director, Funderburg Library, Manchester University   ​

Suzanne Rice Assistant Dean for Public Services, University Libraries, Ball State University

Denise Shorey, Director of Library Services, Hamilton Library, Franklin College.

Marie White, Director Paul W. Ogle Library, Ivy Tech Community College Southern Indiana.

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Term for Chair: : Member/Vice-Chair/Chair— 3 years total obligation (ideally Past Chair position volunteered= 4 years)

Term of Secretary: Member/Secretary--not formally set; yet recommended not to exceed 4 years

Term for Members: not formally set

Number of members: 9+


Initial Year of the Assessment Committee Organizational Structure

To begin the development of the Assessment Committee the members of the Committee will consist of

  1. the 2016 presenting members of the Assessment Posters at the 2016 ALI Annual Meeting;
  2. the Purdue participant of the AiA, Assessment in Action project;
  3. Directors attending the 2016 Annual Meeting who responded to the survey indicating interest in the Assessment Committee;
  4. PALNI Academic Library member;
  5. ALI Board member assigned to the committee due to major interest in assessment.

Initial approach:

Study and become familiar with the AiA projects,

Provide a number of AiA projects which will cover the highest majority of students

Reach out to ALI librarians and if they are interested in mirroring an AiA project, with some customization at their Library.

Provide support to Librarians mirroring an AiA project

  1. From experiences of Committee members have had during the assessments
  2. Possibly contact for webinar Librarians of the original AiA project assessment mirrored  
  3. Provide GoToMeetings/Skype online get together meetings, to discuss/share among the project participants and committee members the progress of each participant

Participants having at least the Spring 2017 results will have the opportunity to do a poster presentation at the ALI Annual Meeting.

Participants and Assessment Committee members will meet in July to discuss the first year developments and contribute to the further development of the Assessment Committee.  (At the in-person meeting in July 2017 nominations will be made for the Incoming Chair position and then a vote will be taken.)

Meeting Reports



Academic Libraries of Indiana

Assessment Committee Report

Prepared for the ALI board Meeting, October 21, 2016

Initial Meeting of the ALI Assessment Committee October 13, 2016

Report drawn from the great minutes of the meeting taken by Mandy Havert


Attending members: Mandy Havert, Digital Outreach and Graduate Outreach Librarian, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame; Heather Howard, Business Information Specialist, Parrish Library of Management and Economics, Purdue University; Suzanne Hinnefeld Collection Development Librarian, Cushwa-Leighton Library, Saint Mary's College; Marie White, Director Paul W. Ogle Library, Ivy Tech Community College Southern Indiana

Suzanne Rice (Assistant Dean for Public Services, University Libraries, Ball State University) was not able to attend due to a mix up in messages. Suzanne R. gave extra time meeting with Marie to catch up on the first meeting. (10/18/2016)

Nastasha Johnson (Physical Sciences, Engineering, Technology Specialist, Purdue University) did not attend, Nastasha J gave extra time meeting with Marie to catch up on the first meeting. (10/19/2016)


What is your favorite color and what is your interest in assessment?

Assessment is more than what we specifically count or traditionally have counted.

Purchasing resources in different formats, how do we account for them?

What do other small academic librarians do to determine effectiveness? And also effectiveness of collections?

Suggest COUNTER statistics where we can get them, if you can get your vendor to provide COUNTER statistics, could this committee become a voice for academic institutions to vendors and service providers for effective counts?

How can the Assessment committee bond the ALI mission statement with the Assessment committee goal and objectives? 

What do we want to assess?

Start with review of AIA Projects to get ideas as to what can be assessed and how others have assessed      

What colors and spirit do you want to add to the bonding of the ALI mission and Assessment committee goal and objectives?

Students who don’t use the library and how do you get information and data from that demographic

What about efficacy of virtual services versus local services

Student satisfaction / Student engagement with libraries and programs

Instructional impact and satisfaction

What is the best use of space in the libraries, (some resulting from the ALI Shared Print Project)

How can the Assessment Committee get the academic librarians, statewide, wanting to be participants, wanting to report on their assessments?

  1. Create an assessment toolbox would be a good way to approach this committee’s objectives and outcomes
  2. Create an assessment question bank that could ask the question to get at the answers we really want for assessment; will the reader interpret the question the way that we intend. These would be well-formed questions.
  3. Compile procedures that have worked for our ALI members who use the tools from the toolbox and their findings or recommended adjustments
  4. Build a set of webinars with guest speakers from AiA project participant institutions discussing their project for AiA and the types of supports AiA gave the individual or institution. This can also address weighing on one particular resource in an institution who has a new or unique approach in a one-by-one-by-one basis


Use participant contacts to develop a couple of webinars to let the participants share how they developed the assessment they did to share with all academic libraries and their staff throughout the State of Indiana

Committee swag (October Take away): Each committee member will review literature and the AIA projects for information and projects covering individual interest in assessment.

Literature Review and AIA Project review:

Instructional impact and satisfaction - Mandy

Instruction - For-credit course (freshman level); retention, number of engagements,

using active learning- Heather

Best use of space in the libraries- Suzanne H.

Prepare freshmen and sophomores for junior and senior research-Marie

One Shot impact on student success – Suzanne R

Impact instructions have on curricula – Nastasha

Next Committee meeting first week in December, Tuesday or Thursday.

Report submitted by Marie A. White