Academic Libraries of Indiana will be recognized as a national leader in statewide academic library collaboration by leveraging individual member strengths for the betterment of all.
The mission of Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI) is to build and foster community and collaboration among academic libraries in Indiana.
Goals and Objectives
1. Pursue cooperative resource development and resource sharing initiatives.
a. Coordinate with ALI members to identify electronic resource acquisition opportunities.
b. Determine management plan for e-resources with consideration of self-administration or contract
c. Develop shared print management strategies to expand capacity and preserve access.
d. Encourage ALI libraries’ participation in SRCS.
2. Leverage the professional expertise of ALI library personnel to benefit the collective work of academic libraries throughout the State of Indiana.
a. Provide leadership opportunities in ALI committee work across the member constituencies.
b. Provide access to and sponsor professional development activities.
c. Share best practices for teaching information literacy.
d. Share best practices for user-centered collection development.
e. Share best practices for providing reference services.
3. Identify assessment models to measure the library’s impact on student success, retention, and persistence.
a. Research strategies for assessing the effectiveness of information literacy/library
b. Identify techniques for assessing effective use of library space, collections, and
4. Be a catalyst for collaboration with the Indiana State Library, government entities, regional, state, and national library organizations, and schools of library and information science.
a. Explore external partnerships for resource development and access.
b. Develop the Hoosiers and Information Literacy (HAIL) project with the State Library, Indiana
Library Federation, and PALNI.
5. Promote emerging scholarly communication models and open access to Indiana’s scholarly and intellectual capital.
a. Provide strategies for promoting open access in individual ALI institutions.
b. Educate library community about scholarly communication issues and alternative open access
publishing models.
c. Actively support policies for open access to publicly funded research.