An audience analysis involves taking a deep dive into the specific aspects of an audience or group of readers (or in the case of speeches, a particular listening audience). This type of assignment is usually associated with the process of building a persuasive topic or a researched argument essay.
The purpose of the audience analysis is to uncover details about an audience in order to understand how they might react to a topic or how the writer might appeal to the audience to persuade them. A successful and thorough audience analysis can be achieved by applying the journalist's questions to the project--who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Start by asking and answering questions about WHO is in the reading audience. Be as specific as possible regarding details like
After establishing WHO is in the audience, consider WHAT
The element of time and its influence on an audience should also be considered.
Location and geography can also play a role in how an audience responds to a topic. Be sure to ask and answer questions in this area of analysis as well:
The element of WHY in an audience analysis is especially important if the assignment involves a debatable topic or a persuasive element:
Using HOW is a way to culminate an analysis. Discuss