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LRC Writing Guide - Terre Haute / Greencastle

Investigation or Exploratory Essays

Investigation essays--also known as exploratory essays--are intended for the writer to select a topic and conduct an investigation regarding who is saying what about the subject.  Typically, the writer's opinion is not included in the essay, but always consult local guidelines. 

The purpose of an investigative essay is to become comfortable with the research and writing process, and to come to a greater understanding of the nuances and complexities of a particular subject prior to forming a solid opinion about it. 

This type of essay gives the writer a chance to explore and to learn more about the background ,history, or multiple viewpoints that exist on any given topic.

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Follow the strategies to the right or explore more tips at the links below:


Investigation Strategies

1. Find the experts in the field. 

  • Look for 3 to 4 well known people related to the subject and discuss their viewpoints in your essay.

2. Consider the percentages. 

  • How many people agree on a certain viewpoint about the topic?  How many disagree?  Sometimes these statistics can make for an interesting comparison when you report on your findings.

3.  Look for mid-range opinions or viewpoints in addition to those who either violently oppose a subject or wholeheartedly embrace it. 

  • The middle ground is just as important to investigate as polarized points of view and this strategy presents well-rounded .research to an audience.

4. Conduct a survey. Find out what other people think through an anonymous questionnaire.

  • IF the assignment allows such a strategy, consider adding survey results to your investigation of the topic, but always check with your professor first to see if this type of research is permitted.

5. Let your curiosity guide you. 

  • The investigation or exploratory essay provides a great chance for you to learn more about a subject that interests you.  Let the process also assist you in learning how to incorporate research into your writing.