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Fort Wayne & Kosciusko County

Kosciusko County Library

Ivy Tech Kosciusko County is an extension of the Fort Wayne Campus - offering a selection of classes and services within the community. Kosciusko County students and faculty have full access to the online resources and services provided by the Fort Wayne Library. For local support, the Kosciusko County Library is well equipped to handle your needs. All services and resources featured on this Fort Wayne Library website may be available to Kosciusko County students and faculty, however a number of items are handled locally at either Kosciusko County or Fort Wayne. For convenience, this Library page will serve as a gateway to all local Kosciusko County services and resources.

Library Staff






Tim Keyes, LRC Coordinator

BS Business Management, Indiana Tech
574-267-5428 ext. 7253

Kayla Walls, Academic and LRC Assistant
574-267-5428 ext 7201

Student Support Services

Ivy Tech Kosciusko County's Student Support Services are all designed to help you, the student, with life's challenges that could interfere with your success as a student. There are many forms of assistance and help available, which we are here to help you access and benefit from!

Services & Resources

Community Resources

This list is provided for informational purposes only. Ivy Tech cannot guarantee the quality or availability of the listed services. Contact listed agencies for more information on the services they offer.

Child Care and Development

Clothing, Food, Utility, and Other Assistance

Counseling Needs

Domestic Violence

Employment and Education Help

Housing Needs

Indiana 211

Statewide Human Services Hotline

Dialing 2-1-1 is free, confidential and available 24/7.

Indiana 211 Partnership’s mission is to connect Hoosiers with needs to human services through dialing 2-1-1.

The goal is that anyone in Indiana in need of human services will have quick referrals to those who provide them.

Senior Services



What is the Basics Bank?

Basics BankThe Basics Bank is a support service provided to every active Ivy Tech Kosciusko County student.  

The supplies include, but are not limited to:

  • A wide variety of food items

  • Toiletries, including dental care, hair care, feminine hygiene, and more

  • Warm hats and gloves

  • Other items as supply provides

How can I, a Kosciusko County Ivy Tech student, get help from the Basics Bank?

The Basics Bank is located in the Kosciusko County campus library.  Any student that needs items from the Basics Bank may pay a visit and take what they need, whether it's food items to take home for your family, or just a snack before class instead of spending extra money on fast food.

Don't be afraid to ask for help! We have experience helping students with almost every situation or problem, and we are here to listen, assess, and assist, without judgment.

To contact us via email, with any inquiry or request for information and help:

Tim Keyes

Kayla Walls

Student Success Center

Welcome to the Ivy Tech Student Success Center (SSC) at the Warsaw campus, room number 242! The SSC is adjacent to the library, but a separate service with different staff. We help students succeed at their educational goals by providing the tools and assistance necessary to build confidence, self reliance, and academic ability. Let us know how we can help you! 
The Warsaw Student Success Center, / 574-267-5428 x7242

What we offer

Student Support Services
Do you:

  • Struggle with test anxiety?
  • Want to brush up on study skills and create a time management plan?
  • Need a quiet place to work with tutors on hand who can assist?
  • Have a question about anything Ivy Tech-related?

Make the Student Success Center your first stop to success! You can even get help with downloading Microsoft Word, and navigating your MyIvy account. SSC Tutoring Services We offer free tutoring services to any student currently enrolled at Ivy Tech. Our mission is to foster active learning in an open and friendly environment. The academic support we provide leads to greater success and higher achievement for our students.

English Tutoring

  • Get help with composing papers, brainstorming, MLA and APA formatting, practicing speeches and presentations, and more. We can even help you score higher on the Accuplacer assessment!
  • Click here for the SSC English tutor schedule.

Math Tutoring

  • Whether by yourself or in a group, get help understanding mathematical concepts. We can even help you prepare for a future math class, or score higher on the Accuplacer assessment!

Walk-in tutoring is available, and appointments can be scheduled by calling 574-267-5428 x7242, or by emailing or one of the tutors directly.

Library Policies

Library Mission Statement The Ivy Tech Community College Libraries are full partners in the educational and workforce development mission of the College. The libraries teach research strategies, support the curriculum, and encourage independent and lifelong learning by providing the space, information resources, instruction, and related services essential for academic success. The Libraries advance information literacy, critical thinking, and collaborative learning in a welcoming environment that promotes, and is enriched by, the diverse cultural and intellectual interests of students, faculty, and community.

Checking Out Library Materials Use your student ID card to check out up to 20 items. Student ID cards can be obtained at the security desk. If you are unable to check out items due to fines owed, etc., materials can be held for you at the circulation desk for up to 3 days. Do not loan your library card or books to anyone else. You are responsible for damaged or lost books checked out to your card.

Loan Periods Books can be checked out for two weeks.

Returns Please return materials in the book drop outside the library entrance on the Kosciusko County campus. Materials will not be automatically checked in if they are left inside the library.

Renewals Items may be renewed twice for an additional two-week period, for a total of six weeks.  Materials may be renewed in person at the library, or online by going to IvyCat, and then clicking on Log In near the top of the screen. 

Overdue Fees  Overdue fees for books, magazines, journals, puppets, audio materials, etc., are shown in this chart.  All overdue fees must be paid at the Bursar's Office at the Fort Wayne-North Campus.

Item returned 15--28 days late

Item returned 29 or more days late

Item not returned

$3.00 per item

$5.00 per item

Replacement cost plus $5.00 per item

Any item returned fifty-eight (58) or more days overdue will not be accepted, and the patron will be charged the full replacement cost of the item, plus a five dollar ($5.00) processing fee.

Overdue, Lost or Damaged Items Failure to pay fees for lost or damaged items will result in suspension of your borrowing privileges. You will also be unable to register for classes, drop or add classes, graduate, or get a copy of your transcript.  After fifty-eight (58) days the Business Office will turn your account over to a collection agency, you may owe additional fees, and the library will no longer accept lost items.

Borrowing From Other Libraries Students and employees can request items owned by another library with a Request form available online and in the library. The borrower is responsible for returning materials to the Ivy Tech library. Reference books, videos and journals are rarely able to be borrowed from other libraries.

You may be able to use other libraries' materials through the 'Reciprocal Borrowing' program. Reciprocal borrowing cards are available to faculty and students in good standing. Participating Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI) include: Concordia Seminary, Huntington College, Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW), University of St. Francis, and Taylor University and many more!
Contact Tim Keyes at 574-267-5428 ext. 7253 with questions.

Library Instruction Staff will customize library instruction in areas from general familiarization to intense focus on a particular topic or project. Library instruction for the online Library can take place in your classroom or in another computer equipped classroom that you reserve.  Professors are required to be in attendance for all instructional sessions. A project giving students hands-on research experience is also available. Library Instruction can be requested online.
Contact Tim Keyes at 574-267-5428 ext. 7253 for more information.

Collaborative Study Rooms Two collaborative study rooms are available for students who wish to schedule private study, meetings or work-groups. Individuals may schedule the study rooms for up to two hours at a time; groups may schedule the rooms for up to four hours at a time. The rooms may also be used by students on a first come-first served basis if no one has scheduled them. The study rooms may be reserved at the Circulation Desk.
Contact the library at 574-267-5428 ext. 7253 for scheduling information.
DISCLAIMER: All reservations are subject to change at the discretion of library staff.

Computer Use The Library has 25-desktop computers and 2-CAD Stations available for student use. These computers are pre-loaded with various software applications and plugins to accommodate Ivy Tech Community College coursework. Students are unable to install their own applications onto the computers but may request software used in their course to be installed. Priority will be given to users who need to do course work including IvyLearn participation, research, word processing, etc. Non-priority users may be asked to forfeit a workstation.

Printing The library provides both black & white and color printing services to students, staff, and faculty, but patrons need to be responsible regarding their print jobs. Students start each semester with a $5 balance for print funds. After that allotment has been used, they need to go to MyIvy and click the "Add Print Funds" button or go to the Bursar's Office on the North Campus to pay for more printing. Wireless printing for student's devices is also available. Ask for staff assistance when encountering printer problems.

Phone Use Please make/take cell phone calls outside the library. In case of emergency, a library staff member may dial an outgoing (local) call for you.

Children in the Library At this time, no children are allowed in the library. College policy requires that all minors be under the close supervision of a parent or guardian at all times.

Mailing Library Materials Students currently enrolled at satellite campuses or in Distance Learning may request library materials (books and journal articles) be mailed to them. The due date is 30 days from the request with a limit of three items per user. Contact Tim Keyes at 574-267-5428 ext. 7253 with questions.

Donations to the library All donations directly benefit the library, students and staff of Ivy Tech by placement in the current collection and/or passing them on, free of charge, to interested parties at the Warsaw Campus. All donations are subject to approval by the Library Director. Staff are not authorized to accept items on behalf of the Ivy Tech Community College Library.
For more information, contact Nicole Treesh at 260-480-4280.

Food and Drink Due to damage to library property, no food or drink will be allowed in the computer areas. Snacks and drinks with lids are permitted outside of the computer areas at the discretion of library staff. If you have questions, please see library staff.

Pornography Ivy Tech policy prohibits the use of college computers to access graphic pornography which may be offensive to others, and doing so may result in a loss of library privileges. Accessing child pornography may result in arrest.

Collection Development policy Ivy Tech Community College - Fort Wayne also provides collection development support to Kosciusko County under the direction of the Fort Wayne Library Director. As laid in the Mission Statement, the libraries' purpose it to support the students, faculty, and staff of the college through access of materials, information, and services. The policy aligns with ASOM 4.9 Information Development Policy. Click below to download Library Collection Policy in its entirety:

Ivy Tech Community College Libraries, 2024