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Chicago Manual of Style - South Bend-Elkhart: B. Journal Article from an Online Periodical

Journal Article from an Online Periodical (p. 733-734)

General Format 
      Full Note: 

            1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, "Article Title," Journal Title Volume,
      no. Issue (Year): page #, doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx  OR URL of journal article web
      Concise Note: 

            2. Author Surname, "Article Title," page #. 

      Author Surname, First Name or Initial. "Article Title." Journal Title Volume,
            no. Issue (Year): Page range of article [if provided]. doi:xx
            .xxxxxxxxxx  OR URL of journal article web page.
Example 1
      Full Note:

            1. Bernard Testa and Lamont B. Kier, "Emergence and Dissolvence in the
      Self-Organisation of Complex Systems," Entropy 2, no. 1 (2000): 17,  
      Concise Note:

            2.  Testa and Kier, "Emergence and Dissolvence," 17.

      Testa, Bernard, and Lamont B. Kier. "Emergence and Dissolvence in the
            Self-Organisation of Complex Systems." Entropy 2, no. 1 (2000): 1-25.
Example 2
       Full Note:

            1. David Meban, "Temple Building, Primus Language, and the Proem 
      Virgil's Third Georgic," Classical Philology 103, no. 2 (2008): 153, doi:10.1086
      Concise Note:

            2. Meban, "Temple Building," 153.

      David Meban. "Temple Building, Primus Language, and the Proem 
            Virgil's Third Georgic." Classical Philology 103, no. 2 (2008):
            150-74, doi:10.1086/591611.