General Format
Full Note:
1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, "Article Title," Magazine Title, Month Day,
Year, doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx OR URL of article web page.
Concise Note:
2. Author Surname, "Article Title."
Author Surname, First Name or Initial. "Article Title." Magazine Title, Month Day, Year.
doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx OR URL of article web page.
Full Note:
1. Joseph Boyden, "The Lessons Not Learned from the Gulph Coast Oil Spill: It's
been a Year Since the BP Disaster, and Nobody has Learned Anything," Macleans, May
2, 2011,
Concise Note:
2. Boyden, "The Lessons Not Learned."
Joseph Boyden. "The Lessons Not Learned from the Gulph Coast Oil Spill: It's
been a Year Since the BP Disaster, and Nobody has Learned Anything."
Macleans, May 2, 2011.