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Chicago Manual of Style - South Bend-Elkhart: C. Pamphlets, Brochures, and Reports

Pamphlets, Brochures, and Reports (p. 756)

These types of sources are basically treated like books.
General Format 
      Full Note: 

            1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, Title: Subtitle (Place of Publication: Publisher,
      Year), page #(if there is one).
      Concise Note: 

            2. Author Surname, Title, page # (if there is one). 

      Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Title: Subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher,
      Full Note:

            1. Hazel V. Clark, Mesopotamia: Between Two Rivers (Mesopotamia, OH: End of
      the Commons General Store, 1957).   
      Concise Note:

            2. Clark, Mesopotamia.

      Clark, Hazel V. Mesopotamia: Between Two Rivers. Mesopotamia, OH: End of the 
            Commons General Store, 1957.